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Writer's pictureDanny Q

Lenten Prayers of the People

APA | Liturgics

Lenten Prayers of the People

A form for the Prayers of the People during Lent

Lord, our God, we ask for peace in all the world, for the welfare and unity of your Holy Church, and for harmony between all peoples.

We need you. Lord, have mercy.

Be with and strengthen our District Superintendent (name), and give your grace to all clergy, that they may boldly proclaim your truth and faithfully administer the sacraments. We need you. Lord, have mercy.

Bless and guide the leaders of all nations, and all in authority, that they may lead in wisdom, truth, and righteousness. We need you. Lord, have mercy.

We ask you, God of all creation, for seasonable weather, and for an abundance of the fruits of the earth. We need you. Lord, have mercy.

Thank you for the good earth which you have given us. Grant to us the wisdom and will to conserve it. We need you. Lord, have mercy.

Give your mercy and peace to the aged and infirm, to the widowed and orphaned, and to the sick and the suffering.

We need you. Lord, have mercy.

Uplift and set free the poor and the oppressed, the unemployed, underemployed, and the destitute, the prisoners and captives. Empower with your love and care all who remember and serve them.

We need you. Lord, have mercy.

May all who have died rest in peace, and rise in glory. We need you. Lord, have mercy.

May this congregation truly reflect your goodness and love,

We need you. Lord, Have Mercy

Because we often fail to fully & truly love, because we acknowledge that we are sinners in need of your grace of God and forgiveness, let us confess our sins: Most merciful God…

