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Love Feast

Writer's picture: Danny QDanny Q

APA | Liturgics

Love Feast Liturgy

Chorus: Bind Us Together (Note: throughout the love feast use the music appropriate to your context and setting.)

Scripture Reading: from John 14:1–14 (Note: the readings listed in this order are for a Christmas love feast, use the readings appropriate to your context.)

Prayers of Praise and Adoration:

Persons who desire are invited to take turns praying aloud a prayer of praise and

adoration to God. When they finish others are encouraged to respond by saying “Amen, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord,” or other responses as the Spirit moves.We will conclude prayers of praise and adoration by praying the Lord’s Prayer in unison.

The Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Scripture Lessons:

Psalm 31:1–5, 15–16

Acts 7:55–60

Choral Response: How Great Is Our God

1 Peter 2:2–10

Personal Witness to the Scripture:

Those who wish are invited to give a personal witness to the Scripture

readings for today.

Testimonies, Prayers, and Singing

People are invited to share words of testimony. You may praise God for his goodness

and work in your life or the lives of others. You may also offer words of thanks for someone who has been a blessing to you or others. During the sharing those who wish to break out in prayer are invited and encouraged to do so. We will also sing during this time of sharing together. If someone wishes to lead us in a song or chorus “a Capella” you are also invited to do so. We invite the Spirit of God to move amongst us and give direction as we share together. Periods of silence between the sharing, music, and prayers is welcomed.

Hymns and Choruses to be Sung During Testimonies:

Spirit Song

We Are the Body of Christ.

Passing of The Bread and Water:

Note: During the testimonies, the bread is passed from person to person. The water is also distributed (Either water, apple juice, or white grape juice may be used. It is important to avoid any confusion between the love feast and eucharist so it is important to avoid any practice that could foster confusion such as using red grape juice.) Those who desire can quote a verse of Scripture when passing the bread. Once the bread is passed to everyone we will pray together.

Tithes, Offerings, and Collection for the Poor:

Loose offerings and those offerings specifically designated will be collected for the poor.

Dismissal and Blessing

Note: Details concerning distribution and the exact rubrics for the love feast are often missing in Nazarene accounts. Structure the love feast according to your congregational setting. For example, if you have a rather small group of 30 people or less consider holding it in a circle with a table in the middle to hold the bread and water. The circle provides a more intimate setting for sharing. Larger groups will need to adjust to their practice. There are also variations in the way the bread and water is distributed.

– This liturgy has been provided to APA:L through Rev. Dirk Ellis.

