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The Third Week of November

Writer's picture: Hannah Jones-NelsonHannah Jones-Nelson

We Read…

What does deliverance from God look like? Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we see promises of deliverance, prayers for deliverance, praises for deliverance, and hope that this deliverance will continue for as long as we are here on earth until our final deliverance in the new creation. Amid struggle, trials, and despair, we trust in the God who delivers. Sometimes, this deliverance comes physically, sometimes, emotionally, and sometimes, through the work of other people around us, but God is present in all of these ways. The psalmist prays for God’s protection and guidance, which is a great prayer for us to pray as well! We ask God to lead, we remember that God is always with us, and we pray that God will shape our hearts in the midst of whatever it is we walk through.

Daniel 12:1-3

“At that time, Michael the great leader who guards your people will take his stand. It will be a difficult time—nothing like it has ever happened since nations first appeared. But at that time every one of your people who is found written in the scroll will be rescued. 2 Many of those who sleep in the dusty land will wake up—some to eternal life, others to shame and eternal disgrace. 3 Those skilled in wisdom will shine like the sky. Those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and always. 

Psalm 16

1 Protect me, God, 

because I take refuge in you. 

2 I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord. 

Apart from you, I have nothing good.” 

3 Now as for the “holy ones” in the land, 

the “magnificent ones” 

that I was so happy about; 

4 let their suffering increase because 

they hurried after a different god. 

I won’t participate 

in their blood offerings; 

I won’t let their names 

cross my lips. 

5 You, Lord, are my portion, my cup; 

you control my destiny. 

6 The property lines have fallen 

beautifully for me; 

yes, I have a lovely home. 

7 I will bless the Lord who advises me; 

even at night I am instructed 

in the depths of my mind. 

8 I always put the Lord in front of me; 

I will not stumble 

because he is on my right side. 

9 That’s why my heart celebrates 

and my mood is joyous; 

yes, my whole body will rest in safety 

10 because you won’t abandon my life 

to the grave; 

you won’t let your faithful follower 

see the pit. 

11 You teach me the way of life. 

In your presence is total celebration. 

Beautiful things are always 

in your right hand. 

Hebrews 10:11–25  

11 Every priest stands every day serving and offering the same sacrifices over and over, sacrifices that can never take away sins. 12 But when this priest offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, he sat down at the right side of God. 13 Since then, he’s waiting until his enemies are made into a footstool for his feet, 14 because he perfected the people who are being made holy with one offering for all time. 

15 The Holy Spirit affirms this when saying, 

16 This is the covenant 

that I will make with them. 

After these days, says the Lord

I will place my laws in their hearts 

and write them on their minds. 

17 And I won’t remember their sins 

and their lawless behavior anymore. 

18 When there is forgiveness for these things, there is no longer an offering for sin. 

19 Brothers and sisters, we have confidence that we can enter the holy of holies by means of Jesus’ blood, 20 through a new and living way that he opened up for us through the curtain, which is his body, 21 and we have a great high priest over God’s house. 

22 Therefore, let’s draw near with a genuine heart with the certainty that our faith gives us, since our hearts are sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies are washed with pure water. 

23 Let’s hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, because the one who made the promises is reliable. 

24 And let us consider each other carefully for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds. 25 Don’t stop meeting together with other believers, which some people have gotten into the habit of doing. Instead, encourage each other, especially as you see the day drawing near. 

Mark 13:1-8

13 As Jesus left the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look! What awesome stones and buildings!” 

2 Jesus responded, “Do you see these enormous buildings? Not even one stone will be left upon another. All will be demolished.” 

3 Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives across from the temple. Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked him privately, 4 “Tell us, when will these things happen? What sign will show that all these things are about to come to an end?” 

5 Jesus said, “Watch out that no one deceives you. 6 Many people will come in my name, saying, ‘I’m the one!’ They will deceive many people. 7 When you hear of wars and reports of wars, don’t be alarmed. These things must happen, but this isn’t the end yet. 8 Nations and kingdoms will fight against each other, and there will be earthquakes and famines in all sorts of places. These things are just the beginning of the sufferings associated with the end. 

We Think…

  • What stands out to you in these verses?

  • Does anything confuse you or not make sense?

  • How do these verses compare to your own experience in life or the church? What are you considering? What questions come to mind?

  • In Mark, Jesus says that even the great buildings will be destroyed in the end; even these works that took effort, money, and attention are temporary. What temporary things do people put their trust into?

  • Why is it challenging to shift our attention from worldly things to God?

We Feel…

  • What emotions are you experiencing today? How are you making space for these feelings?

  • Where have you seen God today or this week? What is pointing you to God (maybe it is something in creation, a friend or adult that cares for you)?

  • What has God made new in your life? In your heart? 

  • Thinking about the decisions of both Ruth and Boaz, have you ever had to make a bold decision of faith that would determine the direction of your future? What kinds of emotions were involved? 

  • When have you felt protected or delivered by God?

  • How has this impacted your faith?

We Believe…

A beautiful part of our faith is that we don’t have to do life alone. We are called to live in community as the body of Christ. There are moments in our lives when we need the support of this community, and there are also moments when we can be that support for others! Hebrews 10:24 tells us to consider each other carefully as we speak and in how we live. We believe in the power of community, and we also believe in caring for one another in all parts of our lives! How do we love our neighbors through our actions? Through the words we speak? Through the ways we work in our community? We believe that all parts of our lives are connected, and Jesus can work through us in all these ways.

We Practice…

Take time this week to reflect on how your life reflects what you believe. How have you spoken to your friends and family this week? Does this reflect what you believe about Jesus? How have you acted in private and in public spaces? How have you engaged with social media? How have you spent your time? How have you spent your money? We don’t want to be legalistic with our faith; we don’t believe that Jesus has a checklist of rules and regulations to follow, but doing occasional checkups can help us see where our priorities are. Write out answers to these questions and then reflect on whether they align with your faith, your heart for God, and your hopes and goals. Do this with a partner or small group and discuss ways to encourage each other to live out your faith in all parts of your life.

