The Fourth Week of August
We Read…
Where does God’s presence live? In the Old Testament, people met with God in the temple. They sacrificed on altars, they sent the High Priest into the Holy of Holies space, and God’s presence was also found in the Ark of the Covenant. In Psalm 84, we read about God’s dwelling place, the temple. This place was important, set apart, and created so people could worship God. We still have places to worship God today (churches), but God doesn’t only dwell there. We have pastors who lead us, but they aren’t the only ones with access to the holiest spaces. Now that we have the Holy Spirit, we believe we have become God’s temple! We have direct access to God! God has chosen to live in our hearts and dwell in us. Isn’t that amazing?
1 Kings 8:22-30, 41-43
22 Solomon stood before the Lord’s altar in front of the entire Israelite assembly and, spreading out his hands toward the sky, 23 he said: Lord God of Israel, there’s no god like you in heaven above or on earth below. You keep the covenant and show loyalty to your servants who walk before you with all their heart. 24 This is the covenant you kept with your servant David, my father, which you promised him. Today, you have fulfilled what you promised. 25 So now, Lord, Israel’s God, keep what you promised my father David, your servant, when you said to him, “You will never fail to have a successor sitting on Israel’s throne as long as your descendants carefully walk before me just as you walked before me.” 26 So now, God of Israel, may your promise to your servant David, my father, come true. 27 But how could God possibly live on earth? If heaven, even the highest heaven, can’t contain you, how can this temple that I’ve built contain you? 28 Lord my God, listen to your servant’s prayer and request, and hear the cry and prayer that your servant prays to you today. 29 Constantly watch over this temple, the place about which you said, “My name will be there,” and listen to the prayer that your servant is praying toward this place. 30 Listen to the request of your servant and your people Israel when they pray toward this place. Listen from your heavenly dwelling place, and when you hear, forgive! 41 Listen also to the immigrant who isn’t from your people Israel but who comes from a distant country because of your reputation—42 because they will hear of your great reputation, your great power, and your outstretched arm. When the immigrant comes and prays toward this temple, 43 then listen from heaven, where you live, and do everything the immigrant asks. Do this so that all the people of the earth may know your reputation and revere you, as your people Israel do, and recognize that this temple I have built bears your name.
Psalm 84
1 How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord of heavenly forces! 2 My very being longs, even yearns, for the Lord’s courtyards. My heart and my body will rejoice out loud to the living God! 3 Yes, the sparrow too has found a home there; the swallow has found herself a nest where she can lay her young beside your altars, Lord of heavenly forces, my king, my God! 4 Those who live in your house are truly happy; they praise you constantly. Selah 5 Those who put their strength in you are truly happy; pilgrimage is in their hearts. 6 As they pass through the Baca Valley, they make it a spring of water. Yes, the early rain covers it with blessings. 7 They go from strength to strength, until they see the supreme God in Zion. 8 Lord God of heavenly forces, hear my prayer; listen closely, Jacob’s God! Selah 9 Look at our shield, God; pay close attention to the face of your anointed one! 10 Better is a single day in your courtyards than a thousand days anywhere else! I would prefer to stand outside the entrance of my God’s house than live comfortably in the tents of the wicked! 11 The Lord is a sun and shield; God is favor and glory. The Lord gives—doesn’t withhold!— good things to those who walk with integrity. 12 Lord of heavenly forces, those who trust in you are truly happy!
Ephesians 6:10-20
10 Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and his powerful strength. 11 Put on God’s armor so that you can make a stand against the tricks of the devil. 12 We aren’t fighting against human enemies but against rulers, authorities, forces of cosmic darkness, and spiritual powers of evil in the heavens. 13 Therefore, pick up the full armor of God so that you can stand your ground on the evil day and after you have done everything possible to still stand. 14 So stand with the belt of truth around your waist, justice as your breastplate, 15 and put shoes on your feet so that you are ready to spread the good news of peace. 16 Above all, carry the shield of faith so that you can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s word. 18 Offer prayers and petitions in the Spirit all the time. Stay alert by hanging in there and praying for all believers. 19 As for me, pray that when I open my mouth, I’ll get a message that confidently makes this secret plan of the gospel known. 20 I’m an ambassador in chains for the sake of the gospel. Pray so that the Lord will give me the confidence to say what I have to say.
John 6:56-69
56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in them. 57 As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever eats me lives because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven. It isn’t like the bread your ancestors ate, and then they died. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.” 59 Jesus said these things while he was teaching in the synagogue in Capernaum. 60 Many of his disciples who heard this said, “This message is harsh. Who can hear it?” 61 Jesus knew that the disciples were grumbling about this and he said to them, “Does this offend you? 62 What if you were to see the Human One going up where he was before? 63 The Spirit is the one who gives life and the flesh doesn’t help at all. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. 64 Yet some of you don’t believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning who wouldn’t believe and the one who would betray him. 65 He said, “For this reason I said to you that none can come to me unless the Father enables them to do so.” 66 At this, many of his disciples turned away and no longer accompanied him. 67 Jesus asked the Twelve, “Do you also want to leave?” 68 Simon Peter answered, “Lord, where would we go? You have the words of eternal life. 69 We believe and know that you are God’s holy one.”
We Think…
What stands out to you in these verses? Does anything confuse you or not make sense?
How do these verses compare to your own experience in life or the church? What are you considering? What questions come to mind?
What questions come to mind?
What stands out to you in the armor of God (Eph 6)?
What connection do you see between our bodies being God’s temple and the armor of God?
We Feel…
What emotions are you experiencing today? How are you making space for these feelings?
Where have you seen God today or this week? What is pointing you to God (maybe something in creation, maybe a friend or adult who cares for you)?
What has God made new in your life? In your heart?
How has church helped you meet with God?
Where do you feel closest to God?
We Believe…
In John 6:63, Jesus tells us that the Spirit is the one who gives life, and the flesh doesn’t help at all. What does this mean? Does this mean that Jesus is telling us that our bodies are bad? I don’t think that’s what he’s getting at here. Instead, Jesus tells us that we can’t work or reach our way up to the life he describes. We can’t earn God’s love, we can’t make ourselves perfect, we can’t work hard enough to get a place in God’s Kingdom. We can’t do these things by our strength; instead, we must rely on God, the Spirit that gives life, and Jesus, who offers us forgiveness, love, and fullness. We can’t do it without God!
We Practice…
If our bodies are God’s temple/dwelling place, how should we treat them? Psalm 84 says that God’s dwelling place is lovely. Ephesians tells us to protect our hearts and minds; we know God should be honored. Take time today to reflect on how you treat your body. Do you care for it? Do you acknowledge that God has created you and loves all parts of you, including your body? Do you speak kindly about yourself? Write down five positive things about your body! Then, reflect on how you treat your heart and mind. Do you see how wonderful you are? Do you listen to God’s words about you instead of outside negative words? Write five positive things about your heart, mind, and/or personality! If you’re willing, share this list with someone you trust. Hang it up in your room or on your mirror. Look to it next time you feel down or critical about yourself.